What You Can Do to Support
Transform Yourself by Transforming Your Brain and Character
Talent, experience, skills all these matter but if the person has no moral or ethical values- meaningless!
The plastic problem is an ongoing issue. The increasing demand, the lack of alternatives and the misinformation make the plastic problem worse by the day. Imagine if plastic wasn't dumbed in the ocean. Would it float in the middle of our seas, killing the marine lives that we consume? Would it be washed ashore and ruin our beaches?
Since plastic does not decompose, they crumble into tiny pieces and finds its way into our food chain, drinking water and the air we breathe. Microplastic has been linked to autoimmune diseases and some unexplained phenomena. When collected and burned, plastic causes complications and fatalities.
How we dispose of plastic is the reason why we have the plastic problem. The waste management factories end up making difficult choices because we do not do our part. Tackling the plastic problem should mean going forwards.
Experts encourage us to adopt a zero plastic waste lifestyle that is not practical. The only humans who are living plastic-free-lifestyle are considered primitive, living in developing nations and the isolated tribes of the Amazon rainforest. Tackling the plastic problem should not mean going backwards or being an over-glorified hermit with OCD.
Plastic began as a solution, preventing the spread of diseases in hospital wards and enabling globalisation. Improving our transportation infrastructure and removing communication barriers. Plastic was a successful invention. For this reason, plastic will continue to remain significant. Plastic empowered women through contraception. Gave social justice by making health care affordable.
Plastic has more benefits than harms, and its harm can be further reduced with a better waste management system starting at your home. Instead of blaming plastic, we should blame plastic users. Self-plastic discipline is the best option you have today in dealing with the plastic problem. Avoid the plastic you don't need. Reuse as many times as possible before recycling instead of throwing it away. When disposing of plastic, ensure that it is not burned or dumbing in the ocean.
A better waste management system, effective recycling facilities and a better way of disposing of plastic is not the real solution. But it is the best choice you have today. Experts, businesses and politicians are working effortlessly in making a real biological and technological solution such as mass-producing microbe that can decompose plastic quicker than we can produce plastic waste. Although real plastic solution does not exist, Avoiding, reusing and recycling can slow plastic pollution.
Giving more time for animals to adapt and humans to develop a way to reverse the harm made. There are promising solutions on the horizon, and everyone needs to play their part. Knowledge is key. A lot of the plastic information is misleading. Not all plastics are recyclable, and the recyclables are not recycled as often as you are made to believe. Knowing what your local council and waste management are doing about plastic can help you cooperate more positively. Experts say by 2050, there will be more plastic in the ocean than fish, and 40% of the plastic waste found in our oceans are the disposables, such as plastic spoons and water bottles. Imagine if you avoided just the disposables.
You have delayed the 2050 plastic tragedy by 40%, allowing fish to reproduce more, companies to clean the ocean and factories to develop cheaper recycling management systems. This simple delay can ensure that fishes can continue to always be more than plastics in the ocean in any given timeframe in the future, hence, reversing the plastic damages.
Our program lets you learn simplified plastic facts from reliable sources, trusted researchers, as well as challenging you to be a better plastic user by the day. We empower you with readable materials and the ability to measure your progress through the self-reflective plastic diary.
The plastic diary allows you to record your plastic usage and see your progress over time. As well as compare your result with family members, celebrate who participate, and the national average. Success is measured in many ways, and potentials differ from person to person. In our program, success is the target you set yourself.
We give you the opportunity and the ability to measure your standards of success as a plastic user. Plastic will continue to be an ongoing issue until a technological and biological solution is achieved. Global leaders, scientists and experts are working together for a sustainable solution. They all need your support to reduce as much plastic from your life at your convenience as possible.
Data visualisation for better decisions
Voiceover by Dr Meriem Ismail